

  1. Smooth slip is all you need: A singularity-free boundary element method for fault slip problems
    Mallick, Rishav, and Meade, Brendan J
    Computers and Geosciences 2025


  1. A kinematic Method for Generating Earthquake Sequences
    Meade, Brendan J
    Computers and Geosciences 2024
  2. Kinematic Afterslip Patterns
    Meade, Brendan J
    Geophysical Research Letters 2024


  1. A Neural Encoder for Earthquake Rate Forecasting
    Zlydenko, Oleg, Elidan, Gal, Hassidim, Avinatan, Kukliansky, Doron, Matias, Yossi, Meade, Brendan, Molchanov, Alexandra, Nevo, Sella, and Bar-Sinai, Yohai
    Scientific Reports 2023


  1. Bem2d.jl: A quadratic co-location two-dimensional boundary element approach to quasi-static faulting problems with gravity and non-planar topography
    Meade, B. J., and Thompson, T. B.
    Computers & Geosciences 2022
  2. Interseismic Masking of Fault Slip Deficit Rates by Earthquake Cycle Processes and Local Block Rotations
    Meade, Brendan J.
    Seismological Research Letters Sep 2022
  3. Kinematic Representations of Linear and Power-Law Viscoelastic Deformation Through the Earthquake Cycle
    Meade, Brendan J., Mallick, Rishav, and Carrero-Mustelier, Emily
    Geophysical Research Letters 2022
  4. On the Choice and Implications of Rheologies That Maintain Kinematic and Dynamic Consistency Over the Entire Earthquake Cycle
    Mallick, Rishav, Lambert, Valère, and Meade, Brendan
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Sep 2022


  1. A global set of subduction zone earthquake scenarios and recurrence intervals inferred from geodetically constrained block models of interseismic couplingc distributions
    Graham, S. E., Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2021


  1. Machine learning in seismology: Turning data into insights
    Kong, Q., Trugman, D. T., Ross, Z. E., Bianco, M. J., Meade, B. J., and Gerstoft, P.
    Seismological Research Letters 2019


  1. Deep learning of aftershock patterns following large earthquakes
    DeVries, P. M. R., Viégas, F., Wattenberg, M., and Meade, B. J.
    Nature 2018
  2. Global plate motions and earthquake cycle effects
    Graham, S. E., Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2018


  1. A comparison of geodetic and geologic rates prior to large strike slip earthquakes: A diversity of earthquake cycle behaviors?
    Dolan, J. F., and Meade, B. J.
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2017
  2. Block motion changes in Japan triggered by the 2011 great Tohoku earthquake
    Meade, B. J., and Loveless, J. P.
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2017
  3. Enabling large‐scale viscoelastic calculations via neural network acceleration
    DeVries, P. M. R., Thompson, T. B., and Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2017
  4. Interactive visualization of spatially amplified GNSS time-series position fields
    Meade, B. J., Freeman, W. T., Wilson, J., Viégas, F., and Wattenberg, M.
    Seismological Research Letters 2017
  5. Intermittent granular dynamics at a seismogenic plate boundary
    Meroz, Y., and Meade, B. J.
    Physical Review Letters 2017
  6. Viscoelastic block models of the North Anatolian fault: A unified earthquake cycle representation of pre- and post-seismic geodetic observations
    DeVries, P. M. R., Krastev, P. G., Dolan, J. F., and Meade, B. J.
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2017
  7. What is better than Coulomb failure stress? A ranking of scalar static stress triggering mechanisms from 10e5 mainshock-aftershock pairs
    Meade, B. J., DeVries, P. M. R., Faller, J., Viégas, F., and Wattenberg, M.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2017


  1. Geodetically constrained models of viscoelastic stress transfer and earthquake triggering along the North Anatolian fault
    DeVries, P. M. R., Krastev, P. G., and Meade, B. J.
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2016
  2. Kinematically consistent models of viscoelastic stress evolution
    DeVries, P. M. R., and Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2016
  3. Two decades of spatiotemporal variations in subduction zone coupling offshore Japan
    Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2016


  1. Kinematic barrier constraints on the magnitudes of additional great earthquakes off the east coast of Japan
    Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Seismological Research Letters 2015
  2. Rapid slip-deficit rates at the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau prior to the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
    Thompson, T. B., Plesch, A., Shaw, J. H., and Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2015
  3. Total variation regularization of geodetically and geologically constrained block models for the Western United States
    Evans, E. L., Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Journal International 2015


  1. Earthquake cycle deformation in the Tibetan plateau with a weak mid-crustal layer
    DeVries, P. M. R., and Meade, B. J.
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2013
  2. Edge-driven mechanical microplate models of strike-slip faulting in the Tibetan plateau
    Langstaff, M. A., and Meade, B. J.
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2013
  3. Inference of multiple earthquake cycle relaxation timescales from irregular geodetic sampling of interseismic deformation
    Meade, B. J., Klinger, Y., and Hetland, E. A.
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2013
  4. Revisiting the orogenic energy balance in the western Taiwan orogen with weak faults
    Meade, B. J.
    Terra Nova 2013


  1. Geodetic constraints on San Francisco Bay Area fault slip rates and potential seismogenic asperities on the partially creeping Hayward fault
    Evans, E. L., Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2012
  2. Geodetic imaging of coseismic slip and postseismic afterslip: Sparsity promoting methods applied to the great Tohoku earthquake
    Evans, E. L., and Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2012


  1. Partitioning of localized and diffuse deformation in the Tibetan plateau from joint inversions of geologic and geodetic observations
    Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2011
  2. Spatial correlation of interseismic coupling and coseismic rupture extent of the 2011 Mw = 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
    Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2011
  3. Stress modulation on the San Andreas fault by interseismic fault system interactions
    Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Geology 2011


  1. Geodetic imaging of plate motions, slip rates, and partitioning of deformation in Japan
    Loveless, J. P., and Meade, B. J.
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2010
  2. The signature of an unbalanced earthquake cycle in Himalayan topography?
    Meade, B. J.
    Geology 2010


  1. Block modeling with connected fault network geometries and a linear elastic coupling estimator in spherical coordinates
    Meade, B. J., and Loveless, J. P.
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2009
  2. From decades to epochs: Spanning the gap between geodesy and structural geology of active mountain belts
    Allmendinger, R. W., Loveless, J. P., Pritchard, M. E., and Meade, B. J.
    Journal of Structural Geology 2009
  3. Predicting the geodetic signature of Mw > 8 slow slip events
    Meade, B. J., and Loveless, J. P.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2009


  1. Andean growth and the deceleration of South American subduction: Time evolution of a coupled orogen-subduction system
    Meade, B. J., and Conrad, C. P.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2008
  2. Spatial variability of erosion rates inferred from the frequency distribution of cosmogenic 3He in olivines from Hawaiian river sediments
    Gayer, E., Mukhopadhyay, S., and Meade, B. J.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2008
  3. Temporal variation in climate and tectonic coupling in the central Andes
    McQuarrie, N., Ehlers, T. A., Barnes, J. B., and Meade, B. J.
    Geology 2008


  1. Algorithms for the calculation of exact displacements, strains, and stresses for triangular dislocation elements in a uniform elastic half space
    Meade, B. J.
    Computers and Geosciences 2007
  2. Power-law distribution of fault slip-rates in southern California
    Meade, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Lettters 2007
  3. Present-day kinematics at the India-Asia collision zone
    Meade, B. J.
    Geology 2007


  1. Orogen response to changes in climatic and tectonic forcing
    Whipple, K. X., and Meade, B. J.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2006


  1. Block models of crustal motion in southern California constrained by GPS measurements
    Meade, B. J., and Hager, B. H.
    Journal of Geophysical Research 2005
  2. Spatial localization of moment deficits in southern California
    Meade, B. J., and Hager, B. H.
    Journal of Geophysical Research 2005


  1. Controls on the strength of coupling among climate, erosion, and deformation in two-sided, frictional orogenic wedges at steady state
    Whipple, K. X., and Meade, B. J.
    Journal of Geophysical Research 2004
  2. Viscoelastic deformation for a clustered earthquake cycle
    Meade, B. J., and Hager, B. H.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2004


  1. Estimates of seismic potential in the Marmara Sea region from block models of secular deformation constrained by global positioning system measurements
    Meade, B. J., Hager, B. H., McClusky, S. C., Reilinger, R. E., Ergintav, S., Lenk, O., Barka, A., and Ozener, H.
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2002


  1. Present day kinematics of the Eastern California Shear Zone from a geodetically constrained block model
    McClusky, S. C., Bjornstad, S. C., Hager, B. H., King, R. W., Meade, B. J., Miller, M. M., Monastero, F. C., and Souter, B. J.
    Geophysical Research Letters 2001
  2. The current distribution of deformation in the western Tien Shan from block models constrained by geodetic data
    Meade, B. J., and Hager, B. H.
    Geologiya I Geofizika 2001